Fleurs et Papillons 蓝色床单

Fleurs et Papillons 蓝色床单

¥3,353.00 - ¥32,595.00
+¥2,329 Fitting Fee
See More Info The service takes approx. 3-4 weeks. During sale periods, please allow up to 8 weeks. We will ship your fitted sheet separately when your order is complete. This is a taxed service.
i If you do not have your mattress dimensions available, you may email them to us at customerservice@dporthaultparis.com
If your dimensions are not received by Mon, March 6th, your flat sheet will be returned to you.

Fleurs et Papillons 蓝色床单套装、枕套和羽绒被套采用印花棉密织布制成,手工饰有扇贝白色斜纹。床单套装包括 1 件顶层床单、1 件平底床单和 2 件标准枕套(大号床单套装)或 2 件特大号枕套(特大号床单套装)。
